China says the point is to scare companies straight: that is, make the threats of naming, shaming and penalizing so dire they won’t evade taxes, mistreat customers or workers, or promote grandiose claims about their products.
With oil-palm plantations spread across some 22.3 million hectares (86,100 square miles) of Malaysia and Indonesia — an area almost the size of the U.K., the industry represents fertile ground for drone sales.
A rift between regulators over the Boeing 737 Max could undermine a long-established system of mutual recognition and hold back new plane programs, the International Air Transport Association said.
Paying new tariffs on Chinese vehicles would require Lime either to absorb significant new costs, charge customers more or fundamentally reshape its supply chain.
For years, consumers have been trained to sit in the comfort of their own homes and shop online. Yet when the holidays come around, the biggest stores ask them to pull on their shoes and head to the mall or a flagship store for a brick-and-mortar extravaganza.
Inspections of foreign drug manufacturers by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have fallen in recent years despite increasing worry about the safety and quality of generic medications, congressional investigators said. is gearing up for the online holiday shopping season by fine-tuning its sprawling delivery network to ensure orders get to customers on time.