The focus by companies on fulfilling basic orders during the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed a more insidious problem to come to a head: the influx of gray-market products into the supply chain.
With the challenges that supply chains face today, managers realize that visibility is more important than ever, says Jerome Roberts, global vice president of marketing at Blume Global. After all, you can't react to what you can't see.
Federal regulation of pharmaceuticals and medical devices are among the unique challenges that logistics providers face in the healthcare supply chain, says Andrew Wang, director of healthcare at Locus Robotics.
Alcott Global is rewarding excellence in the global Supply Chain industry at the first annual Leaders in Supply Chain Awards Gala, which will take place in Barcelona, Spain, October 3-4, 2022, featuring leading global Supply Chain C-level executives.
Velocity of response and proactivity in risk management are key to meeting supply chain challenges and creating value, says Rajesh Kalidindi, founder and chief executive officer of LevaData.
While it may seem that the solution to the truck driver shortage is simply to recruit more drivers, this overly simplified tactic may be contributing to the problem.
Global cybersecurity leader Palo Alto Networks, Inc. needed to implement a new tool for supply as well as sales and operations planning functionality — and time was of the essence.
Suzanne Offerman, senior marketing manager for Onesource Global Trade at Thomson Reuters, describes the technology needed to avoid forced labor in manufacturing supply chains.
Jamie Rutherford, director of sales for supply chain with Vector Security Networks, describes recent innovations in security for the supply chain, many of them suggested by customers themselves.